-Samantha Newman- Turnover rate seems to be a hot topic at Menlo College. Many students have been wondering where administrators have been going and how many more are going to leave. Currently […]
Are Our Priorities Really Wrong?: A Letter to America
-Kira Smith- I am not writing a response to Proof That Our Priorities Are Wrong for my own benefit, nor because I want to attack the author. I am writing this because […]
A Tribute to The Best: Vin Scully
-Brian Brownfield- “It’s time for Dodgers baseball.” “And she is gone!!!” “A black man is getting a standing ovation in the Deep South.” “Havana, Cuba has arrived!” Los Angeles Dodgers fans and […]
Black Fists in the Hour of Chaos
-Ngozi Harrison- Black Fists in the Hour of Chaos Dr. James Peterson on Hip Hop and Black Lives Matter On October 11th, Menlo College hosted a talk by Dr. James Peterson of […]
The Exploitation of Xenophobia by Politicians: How Can We Avoid It?
-Lucrezia Povero- “A safe, sane, and separate society…which will keep whites safe from racial genocide and the ongoing…bastardization of the white race, racial integration…[and] inter-breeding.” This is not an excerpt from an […]
So They Say: A Poem by Arjun Madhok
So, this is it? Or has it always been like this? Are we falling or rising? What you do vs. who you are Money vs. values An ambitious climb vs. family time […]
An Everyday Outfit For All Of Your Fall Activities
–Michaela Courand- Hi everyone! Can you believe it’s already the end of October? It’s hard to imagine. It has been a while since I brought you my latest fashion observations and advice, […]
The Upcoming Election for The 45th President of the United States: How We Got Here
-Valentino Stradford- On Wednesday October 19th the final, non-Twitter based, presidential debate will take place between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. While there have already been two debates, they have been rather […]